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Three Piece Flange End. (White)

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Special Features of Three Piece Flange End. (White)
1. Available in Flange Type in 15 mm to 150 mm and in Screw Type in 15 mm to 100 mm.
2. Manufactured from Poly Propylene, a Chemically inert thermoplastic.
3. Can be used upto 90ÂșC Temp.
4. Hydraulically and Pneumatically tested for 15 Kg. upto 4".
5. Protective and Resistive from most of the corrosive Chemicals.
6. Flange drilled as per customer's specification.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Air Valves, Bend, Butterfly Valves. Butterfly Valves, Compressor Literal Pipe Fitting, Diaphragm Flange End, Diaphragm Valve Screw End, End Cap, Engineering Products, Flush Valves Plain End (Black), Foot Valves Flange End, Foot Valves Screw End, Frp Hdpe Pipes And Fittings, Frp Pvc Pipes And Fittings, Hdpe Pipes And Fittings, Long Neck Pipe End, Non Return Valves Flange End, Poonam Compressor Fitting For H. D. P. E. Pipe, Pp Pipes And Fittings, Products, Pvc Pipes And Fittings, Reducers, Service Saddle, Short Neck Pipe End, Sight Glass Flange End. (White), Single Piece Screw And Plain End, Slipon Flange, Solid Seal Screw And Plain End. (Krishika Type), Tee, Threaded Flange, Three Piece Flange End (Black), Three Piece Flange End. (White), Three Piece Screw End (Black), Three Piece Screw End. (White), Union Assembly Screw And Plain End. (Prince Type), Union Type Assembly Screw And Plain End